Rav Yaakov Forscheimer To Lakewood Officials: Residents May Keep Radio On During Shabbos

JUST IN: Officials have contacted TLS and said that Posek Harav Yaakov Forscheimer Shlita was contacted in regards to keeping a radio on for this Shabbos. It was Paskened, that Lakewood residents may keep a radio on, on station 107.9 for the duration of Shabbos, out of the reach of family members.

The station 107.9 will remain silent from Licht Benchen (Candle Lighting) until 72 minutes after Shkiah on Shabbos, and will only be active should there be any emergency alerts to announce.

Officials say they do not expect the Hurricane to hit on Shabbos. TLS.

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  1. Does anyone know if it has to be running on batteries or can it be plugged in? Although if the power goes out then being plugged in would defete the purpose……butlets say you have a battery backup. Can it be plugged in?

  2. Is there an all news station that services the Lakewood, Ocean County area? If I am leaving my radio on, I would prefer to hear updates rather than static!

  3. “Smart one”
    Although I can’t say how smart you are or aren’t, apparently you aren’t very proficient in hilchos shabbos. Leaving your fridge on is okay because your melocha was done BEFORE shabbos. Leaving a radio on has a separate problem and that I something called Avsha Milsah. This has only been permitted in times of danger or extreme need.

  4. To smart1 – My question in #1 was based on the letter put out by Acheizer quoting the Vaad Harabonim of Five Towns..”The Vaad Harabonim of the Five Towns has paskined that it is permissible, and strongly encouraged, that you leave a battery powered radio set to a news channel over Shabbos”. Note that “battery powered” is specfically mentioned.

  5. I don’t trust any news source about a psak halacha until I hear it from the posek himself. How many times have we heard supposed piskei halacha in the name of choshuver poskim and then we learn that the Rav never said anything of the sort!

  6. may or should?

    The Rabbi was paskening on hilchos shabbos, not hilchos hurricane, thus his psak was “one may…”. As to if one should, that is a hichos hurricane shayla and should be asked to those that specialize in that area.

  7. To #9. I appreciate the insult. While you are probably right in your understanding of the message, I could think of many other ways to point out someone’s mistake. It just sounded part of the psak, not just an eitza tovah. thanks for your explanation but next time be a little nicer about it

  8. if klal yisroel had only started doing teshuva when 7 tzaddikim left this world in a matter of 5 WEEKS & gotten the message from Hashem.
    we would not need an earthquake & a hurricane to bring us to teshuva

    START DOING TESHUVA NOW BEFORE MORE TRAGEDY STRIKES R”L its up to all of us to prevent more tzaros from happening. we are causing it to ourselves & giving Hashem no choice.

    Hashem loves every single yid-tzaddik or russia alike-& is waiting for our teshuva to begin.

  9. ill be leaving the feed from 1079lakewood.com on my computer on ..i figure no static..i think it should work

    i have my comp in a closed room over shabbos

  10. Storm is weakening as it approaches NJ. Winds are slowing down. We still expect tremendous amounts of rain. Best to stay indoors, secure all outdoor furniture, garbage barrels and other objects that can be blown away. Make sure you have batteries, radio, candles, flashlights, food, and water. Have a seven day supply of medications. Stay safe.

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