Newtown; In Solidarity

On behalf of TLS and the greater Lakewood region, I write expressing our sorrow and grief over the terrible tragedy that place took this past Friday in Newtown, Connecticut.

Regardless of race or creed, humanity the world around is unified in tears and heart as we grapple with reality, trying to grasp the senseless violence. Destruction of pure innocence in the very abode of childhood security is too much to bear.

We of Lakewood are heavily burdened with Newtown’s shared pain. Words are cheap, yet our sincere fellowship flows in abundance. Ceaseless thoughts of care and concern spawn prayers on our collective lips, for Newtown, and indeed the country.

May it be His will, that those in need find the comfort and consolation they require and the fortitude to endure.

May God Bless and Heal the town of Newtown,

Aaron Joseph,
Lakewood, N.J

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  1. Amen. May we all merit the Ultimate Redemption soon, when nations and peoples of the world over, can lay down their weapons and grievences, and live in harmony, one with another…

  2. We stand in solidarity with the survivors and in AWE of those heroes who fell shielding their students and we pray for the day when we will see the prophesy of Yeshaya of “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”. — Isaiah 2:-4 God Bless RIP

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