Thousands Benefit from Moadim L’Simcha’s Bi-Annual Food Distribution Operation

PHOTO: Mo’adim L’Simcha this afternoon once again held their bi-annual food distribution operation, supplying thousands of Lakewood families with large quantities of Yom Tov necessities at below retail prices.

The event  took place in the Blue Claws stadium parking lot.

Chaveirim volunteers and off-duty Police were on hand to ensure the massive operation flows smoothly.

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  1. What about all the people that have to borrow money to pay retail prices for you tov basics……….with no way to pay it back………

  2. To # 1,

    There’s still plenty of stuff that families have to purchase at full price from the retail stores. ML”S doesn’t make everything more affordable for those of us still struggling..

  3. As an employee and shopper in Brooklyn, I can testify that all the larger stores in Brooklyn beat most of this sale hands down.

  4. Num. four. I have been following the prices that are advertised in the yated. Prices here are a lot cheaper than Brooklyn store even the kolel stores. So before u talk think

  5. Mordechai ur 100% right but what u dont relize it that your average person litterally doesnt have the gelt to make yumtov , everthing adds up

  6. yes but number 10 they are not just selling food for pasech they are selling unlimited if it wase done with a Cheshbon I don’t think the stores whude have a problem with it also in the holly land they give vouchers to the local stores in Boro park they give vouchers in lakewood it’s common come all

  7. Hashem provides everyone’s parnoso. If I don’t shop in someone’s store it’s not going to change what was predestined for him on Rosh Hashono. Any way I still have to get plenty of fresh produce and other stuff that I did not get at Moadim L’Simcha.

  8. NY stores are hands down way cheaper then then any store in Lakewood.

    The only things that some stores here had on sale were the same things that Moadim Lesimcha had. This and boycotting vendors is an attempt to eradicate Moadim Lesimcha.

    I pity the consumers shopping bill should that happen

  9. Ml”s is a wonderful program to help ease the burden. If the groceries have an issue let them compete that’s what a capitalist economy is all about. No reason that people from the affluent area of Brooklyn that can afford higher prices than the population on Lakewood, they can enjoy stores that go out of their way to keep the prices down whereas here the stores that are so called for the oilem that has trouble making ends meet have the great greed of monopolizing the “cheaper” grocery market!!! Kol hakovod to all the volunteers thet make this event possible!!!

  10. If the stores would not jack up the prices before yom tov, it would be one thing. If one store has an awesome sale would you scream that it is taking away another store’s parnassah? what is the difference here besides helping the mishpachas in town who have a harder time making ends meet regularly let alone during Yom Tov time.

  11. Today i was in a local food store ( one of the larger ones ) and it was nearly empty . when i got to the check there where 3 open cashiers. then i saw this on TLS and i realized what is going on .i had slightly divided opinions .
    BH i can afford to buy at retail but i realize that a large number of people cannot, for them it is a good thing, however there are people who can afford to buy at retail price and on those people the stores lose a lot . there should be some sort of system where those who want to go to this sale should have to verify that they cannot afford regular retail , because its not fair to the stores,

  12. M”l is geared for Rabayim and or teachers. There are a lot of customers that have no choice but to pay full retail prices on all items. So don’t weep for the stores so fast.

  13. No reason why brooklyn stores prices are so mch cheaper then the big 3 stores in lakewood & everyone knows what I’m referring too!!! In brooklyn you get fresher & better for cheaper….I’m surprised that in this type of town with no money that’s grocery shopping is so expensive!

  14. We seem to have this back and forth every year. I am still not sure which side has the better point. One thing that does bother me though…what is this craziness in Lakewood of everyone thinking that stores and businesses are ripping people off if they actually profit from their sales? This mentality has created a tremendous business problem in Lakewood. Do people know how many businesses have gone under in the past few years owing big money to suppliers because they were supposedly selling things for cheaper? Oh of course they seemed like they were doing volume. But you can only swim so long when you are not really making money. Then you go under, walk away and leave dozens of drum people holding the bag. So, is that called chesed? Giving things away for cheap while not paying your suppliers?? There have been so many of these stories lately.
    On the other hand, here’s my question for the stores in Lakewood. Many stores owe big money to suppliers. For whatever reason. Now some person comes along and offers YOU a below market price on a similiar product.Do YOU stay loyal to your supplier? Or do you go to the person offering you the belowmarket price and take even linger to pay your bills because you don’t need your old supplier that much? Think about that. So why should you keep your customers when they can get Moadim Lesimcha now? Why is it different?

  15. It is so simple, i can not belive any of you geniuses have not said anything yet.

    ML’S should go to the stores in town and purchase gift cards at a reduced price. I.E. Purchase a $500.00 gift card @25% off = $375.00. ML’S sells the Gift Card to the would be purchaser for $375.00 and that family comes shopping at the Store for $500.00

  16. The stores have no one to blame other than themselves. Prior to Moadim L’Simcha the stores never offered these type of sale prices, which is the reason Moadim L’Simcha started. Now they are upset that customers are not buying, they can advertise real specials, and they will have customers.

  17. Anon: I was in a smaller store and was quiet as well. The store owner said it was busy early morning.
    My bet issue most of the people werecleaning their hhomes and just using up what they have before they make their huge pesach orders

  18. I was thinking that food prices here are more bec. so many pple pay with food stamps, just like they hike up the prices on WIC items. So those of us without food stamps or WIC have to pay the higher prices.

  19. Why is it just for Yungeleit? In Brooklyn KRM was for large mishpachas regarless of status of the father. I am working and have just as hard a time (if not harder because I have to take off for YomTov) making ends meet. Everyone who went to work knows, it is easier financially when you were in Kollel than working. except for the yechidim who are making good money.

  20. most of these shoppers have bills at grocery stores all year round that makes the customers life simple, and then the grocer has to hunt them down for payments with silly excuses why this why that cant pay now, and when the store owner could make a little money forhimself they run off and spend there money that they should have been paying there bills with at other places ! no loyalty !

  21. why not expand modim l’simcha to all children & adult clothing,shoes,hoisery,housewares,,jewlery,coats, suits,seforim ,shaitels,cars,eye glasses,etc.sell every thing below cost, so everybody in lakewood even people who could afford these items could get them below cost & close every store in town !!!!
    the halacha of kimcha d’pischa was only for people who cant afford it it wasnt meant as an open house to knock buisnesses,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. ML”S does a huge service to people in need. May Hashem repay them for all their tremendous work. That having been said, I wish KW had advertised their Pesach specials a month ago, (they meet most of the ML”S prices).

  23. It’s the same as the wedding takanos. You are doing a favor while you put everyone involved in business out of business. We have developed some very unhealthy business practices in Lakewood. It’s the old Democrat and Republican debate. Republicans believe in Supply side economics. We here in Lakewood seem to go with the Democrats way. Slash prices, give everything out and let the businesses go down. And then we want to know why people can’t donate to mosdos and organizations. You are not allowing the economy to function. It’s not right.

  24. Anyone talking about stores competing with Moadim Lesimcha is ridiculous. Compete with an organization that opens twice a year during high season, has no overhead and has volunteers? Come on!!!!

  25. The crazy cheap prices u see in New York are called loss leaders. They get you into the stores. The customer base in Lakewood is not large enough for that. Too many groceries. Not enough customers yet.

  26. I too feel sorry for those businesses who will not be making a profit on the ML purchases.

    In the US, however, we are permitted to choose where to make our purchases. And we are free to buy in quantity for lower prices.

  27. this is an old question posed years ago to rabbonim if it is allowed to make programs or “at cost” stores, to help struggling families, and the psak was, yes. (of course this is always done with the guidence of rabbonim, and proper precaution to minimize the affect on local buisnesses). the truth is, in many communities the pre yom tov sale of basics at reduced prices has been going on for decades. like in monsey where there were two programs, 1 for fruit veg. chicken and wine and another for milk products.
    today with the expense of frum living being astronomical, almost every chasidishe kehilah has these programs to help large families. there are matzah sales, maror sales etc. just go into any N.Y. or Monsey chasidus and see how they take care and look out to help their own. it’s about time that we are starting to do the same.
    just as they are at the forefront of affordable wedding halls and simcha packages for the jewlery and clothing for the chasan and kallah, we are slowly catching on, and we are realizing that we need to do more to bring costs down in every way we can.

  28. for all of you that think they now what is going on hear let me just tell u I’m in the business and the reason ny stores are cheaper is because thay dont pay shipping fees and for example krm in bp bought trailers of stuff shuger apple juice oj cups plats bounty pans in lakewood it is not possible to sell it even if u hade just one store the volume is just not hear krm closes the store for a few hrs in midle of the day just restock the shelves and the reason is u in bp flatbush yedin shop in yidesha stores not the shopright or wall mart or target if u support the jewish stores in town the owners can demand from the hole sellers better prices because of volume

    And the biggest reason is if you take the amount of money that is owed to all the stores and ask the custermers
    to pay up and no more bills in this town you ar talking over 10.0000.00
    thear is no credit in ny stores they get paid at time of purchasing and that allows them to lower the prices

  29. thank you Moadim Lisimcha. Because of you I can make Yom Tov for my family with simcha and spend the last few days of the zman learning stress free without worrying about how to cover the expenses of basic staples for Yom Tov. May you be gebenched for the simcha you bring to so many households on Yom Tov. Tizke Limitzvos.

  30. Moadim L’Simcha does not take into account all the major overhead costs a regular storefront has – equipment, regular employees who work during slow seasons so that stores have personnel also during busy seasons, IRS, insurance, inventory etc. It is infringing on the efforts of businesses in town who loyally serve the population to indiscriminately steal their thunder at Pesach time.


  32. #37 stop complaininbg abt people supporting target and walmart if the yidishe stores would have some CUSTOMER SERVICE more people would shop there besides NOBODY buys pesach needs in target and even all year nobody buys too much food there so you did not answer why food prices in lakewood are DOUBLE what they are in new york the answer is monpoly by one big store

  33. thank you for making my yom tov stress full a store owner ho thinks of you all year and this is the your pay back

    coped from number #38
    thank you Moadim Lisimcha. Because of you I can make Yom Tov for my family with simcha and spend the last few days of the zman learning stress free without worrying about how to cover the expenses of basic staples for Yom Tov. May you be gebenched for the simcha you bring to so many households on Yom Tov. Tizke Limitzvos.

  34. so why don’t you try and open a grocery store and see if u struggle I did for 15 years and owe over 5000.000 dollars and closed down

  35. I was there Sunday, and it was a beautiful scene. Everyone scurrying and piling up their meat and chicken boxes, grape juice boxes. I stood in the middle of the crowd, stopped for a moment, and raised my head to shamayim and said to HaShem, thank you HaShem for our Yom Tov. I hope we are giving you alot of nachas , running to do Your will. It filled my heart with joy to stop and say this. Remember, all food for yom tov is paid for by HaShem. So instead of a root canal, or seven of them, the money is going to yom tov preparation. So let’s all remember that. Have a good kosher Pesach!

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