Tragic Petirah of Ha’Bachur Yikisiel Landau Z’L

BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: We regret to inform you of the tragic Petirah of Ha’Bachur Yikisiel Landau Z’L, who was suddenly Niftar after collapsing at a Chasunah last night.Yikisiel Yehuda ben Ozer Arya (Ari) Z’L, 19, was at a Chasunah in New York last night when he suddenly collapsed, going into Cardiac Arrest. Hatzolah rushed to the hall and transported him to a local hospital in critical condition.

At about 2 AM this morning, the Bachurim in his Yeshivah Noam Hatorah in Lakewood were woken up to say Tehillim, but he unfortunatley returned his Neshama a short time ago.

Yikisiel Z’L was also a member of the Mekimi organization.

The Levaya will be taking place in Boro Park at noon, at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

[TLS-News Breakers/Kol Haolam].

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  1. Were in Lakewood did he learn?
    Who are his parents?
    Oy vey this is a tragity to kllal Yisroel a young holly and pure Nshome.

    Oy may we only here from now on good news!

  2. Nebech nebech BDE -no words. may the parents have a nechuma -hopefully moshiach is right around the corner & they will reunite even before the shivah is over any one knows which Yeshiva he attended ?

  3. bde. so sad may he be melitz yosher for his family,friends and all of klal yisroel. may hashem give his family a nechama amongst the mourners of Zion and Yerushalim

  4. Learned in Noam Hatorah that’s Goldstein/Gelbwachs on 6th street. Was a Lev Tov, we truly be missed by family and friends. May hashem comfort all who knew him and entire klal yisroel.besoros tovos.

  5. עצוב מאוד
    לשמוע בשורות כאלו
    השבוע היו כמה מקרים של פטירת יהודים צעירים בלייקוד רח”ל
    יה”ר שזכות התורה ומעשי החסד יגנו בעדיכם
    ולא תוסיפו לדאבה עוד

    מי שרוצה ששמו יוזכר אצל רבי דוד חי אבוחצירא שליט”א
    ישלח את שמו ושם משפחתו לאימייל הזה

    [email protected]

    שבת שלום ומבורך

  6. Was my dear roommate, words can not describe what I feel for his family right now, may he be a מליץ יושר for them and all of כלל ישראל .

  7. Boy was named after Kloizenburg Rebbe the Family is Landau express of BP great parents great family always with a smile always ready to help people Hashem took back from the best among us its time to do Tshuve!

  8. do YOU think we had enough tzaros in klal yisroel over the recent short span of time to accept Hashems call for all of us to start doing teshuva towards Mashiach? how much longer will Rachel our Matriach cry with Hashem as the tzaros in klal yisroel go from tragic to horrific?

    May we never hear from tzaros again & may his neshama have an aliya

  9. i knew him very well he used to eat a lot by my shvers house on shobbos
    he was a special neshoma always very eidel with sterling middos, indeed a very big tragedy to his parents and to everyone who had the privlige of knowing this young tzaddik zt”l

  10. talking about terrible stories. young pple taking away from the world..My first cousin past away in a fatal crash. and her husband. they were on the way to the hospital to have their first baby.. the couple past away. the baby is alive. hashem yishmoreini. .. hashem is sending us a message. young couple 21 ysars

  11. He was my younger brother, as a family member there’s no bigger tragedy then this, he had a heart of gold, last picture taken from him was him helping an old man cross the street with a smile in front of the hall where he collapsed that defined it all, if there’s one thing we can learn from this is not to hate another Jew, life is to short

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