UPDATED: Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: Mrs. Ziva Kriger A”H; Levaya Hookup Info

candleWe regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Ziva Kriger A”H, following a lengthy illness. She was 41. Mrs. Kriger A”H was renowned throughout Lakewood and beyond for dedicating her life to help with the Chinuch of Lakewood’s children.

Even while in the hospital and very weak from the Machlah R”L, she would be on the phone with parents and educators to ensure children are receiving the proper help they needed.

She was Niftar a short time ago at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.

The Levaya will take place at 1:30 PM at Bais Faiga. (Courtney Road between Clifton and Madison Avenues). The Kevurah will be in Lakewood.

For a live audio hookup to the Levaya, please call (760) 569-7676 and then enter PIN number 517657#. (Please mute your phone).

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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  1. I cannot begin to describe the incredible chesed she did in helping with my son for so many years… She was a rare tzadeikes on so many levels, as great as the greatest tzadikim from generations ago. May her children know comfort in knowing they are the biggest yachsonim having yichus from such a mother, and they will see her soon in all her glory and splendor b’techiyas hameisim b’korov. TNTB”H

  2. What an unassuming and special woman she was. Her kindness knew no bounds. I will never forget how when she advised me on my daughter’s placement she so so humbly said, “It might be a good idea to…”. Not once in the conversation did she say, “It’s my opinion” or “I think…”. She was also so careful with the Hilchos L”h. When she thought one teacher would work better for my daughter she didn’t disclose any negative information about the other. She was kuloh lsheim shamayim. She will be so sorely missed.

  3. ברוך דיין האמת. Mrs. Ziva kriger was the rebbetzion of lakewood. She was the sole person to care for each and every one of the תינוקת של בית רבן. She didnt sleep at night until she made sure everyone was properly taken care of. She was instrumental in getting kids into the right schools, directing children to the right Morahs and services. She was a balas chesed, who dedicated her life to the tizubur. She will be truly missed by all of us.
    המקום ינחם את משפחתו ואת כל העיר הזאת, בתוך שאר אבלי ציון בירושלים

    Signed in tears.

  4. It can’t be a coincidence that today is erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, a day mesugal to daven for our children’s hatzlachah. She will continue her holy work at the kisei hakovod. Yet we are bereft of her presence. May HaShem comfort her family.

  5. What a special woman. Just the few times I heard of my wife’s interactions with Mrs. Kriger A”H made me realize what an elevated person we were privileged to have.

    Written with flowing tears.

  6. From just the few times that I interacted with Mrs. Kriger I learned so much. She was such a humble and unassuming person. She knew what to say and how to say it as gently as possible. When I called her, if she didn’t pick up the phone I knew I could count on her returning the phone call within a short time. She called me to see how things were working out even though she was so busy. And most of the time it was free of charge. She did it because she truly cared. Even though she was so knowledgeable, she encouraged second opinions. When I needed advice who to go to whether a doctor, therapist, etc. she directed me to the best ones available.
    She was truly a tzadekes and will be sorely missed.

  7. She was also a tremendous tzanua. She needed nothing for herself. She gave completely of herself to her family first and to the entire community.
    May she have the Lichtige Gan Eden she so richly deserves. We are left hurting without her.
    Ziva-don’t forget the kinderlach you left behind. Beseech Hashem to help them and us and bring the Geulah soon.

  8. Ziva’s petirah is painful to all of us, on a personal level. She has left a massive void. I am crying with you. Hamakom Yinachem eschem.

  9. I do not feel capable of acknowledging even a small part of what she did for my family and the vast majority of Lakewood’s children. I am just writing this with the thought that one day her children might read this and I would want them to know that their mother was a true tzadaikes. There was no one else in Lakewood who was as respected for her knowledge of children and at the same time she would give over herself fully to help people that she had never met before and would never be able to do anything to pay her back. She was probably the only “askan” in Lakewood that you never needed to have any “pull” for, all you needed to do was to pick up the phone and she would be available to help. We would have gladly paid hundreds of dollars for her opinion, but she graciously and humbly offered it for free. I am sure that she will continue to help all of us and especially her own children (who now have REAL “pull”) from her new lofty position where she is being greeted with open and loving arms in Shamayim .
    Hamakom Yinachem Eschem Bisoch Shar Availay Tzion V’Yerushalim

  10. May hashem grant her husband The strength to overcome this terrible tragedy.

    And made her children be זוכה to a special סייעתא דשמיא

  11. What a Brain; what a heart. A rare combination. She was a genius in her field, the best in town & a huge heart, caring & giving for FREE many times. Just an amazing person. May she be a good davener for us.

  12. B”de…i am brought to tears by this news.when it came time for my son to go to Yeshiva “nobody” thought he could succeed in a normal class. Not one school wanted to take him in, Reb. Kriger evaluated him..she believed in him..she thought he can succeed..She single handedly pushed him into a Yeshiva with all her might…
    My son is now B”h at the top of his class..There are no words of the selflessness and the tzidkus of this special woman.It was all lshem shomayim . I feel like she was an angel sent from above..may she be a meLitz yosher..

  13. She was very special lady too she evaluated my son and my daughter. B”H now my daughter had improved because of her.

  14. Mrs Kriger was a true tzanu’a. And with all her well-known askanus, she lived with simplicity and humility. Gashmiyus, Olam Hazeh, consumerism were not in her mind at all. The few times I visited, she put me at ease with her straight-forward simpleness. She really is a role-model of living a Torah life.

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