Purim Safety Tips from the Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department

lfd 5Purim is a joyous occasion and should be enjoyed as such by all. In order to celebrate in a happy, safe way the Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department offers the following pointers and tips.

The Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department warns parents and children against the use of the following:

 Firecrackers and Explosive Devices – Much has been said about this obvious danger, we cannot stress this enough. This should be absolutely off limits.

 Cap Guns/Roll Caps – We have been made aware of serious Purim injuries caused by roll caps igniting in pant pockets. In both situations, rolls of caps were placed into pant pockets, when the child placed their hand into their pocket the caps rubbed together, ignited and caused significant burns to the hand and leg. DO NOT allow your child to store rolls of caps in their pocket. A safer alternative would be a belt holster.

 Flammable costumes – It’s important to purchase costumes that are not made of plastics, paper and other flammable materials.

 Costumes – Masks can cause overheating if worn while playing outdoors; and they can also inhibit vision, making them dangerous to wear when crossing the street.

 Aerosol spray cans are dangerous and can cause injury if sprayed anywhere on the face.

 Parents, teachers and other role models should warn children against playing with matches, lighters, fireworks and firecrackers; and should keep children away from fires and other heat sources.


Please keep the following safety pointers in mind when preparing for and conducting the Seudah:

 Use of candles – Candles should be kept in a safe stable place. Remember, as the evening wears on and we all get ‘leibidig’ the chances of improperly placed candles knocking over is heightened.

 Stove/Oven use – It is very easy to forget something on/in the stove or oven as we run out for a quick errand. Designate someone to be mindful of the cooking and kitchen activities in general.


In case of fire חלילה Do Not hesitate to call the Fire Department. Never attempt to extinguish a fire yourself. Even when unsure, always call. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

א פרייליכען פורים!!


[Submitted by Jacob Wolf and Commissioner David Mizrachi]

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  1. Thought fireworks were illegal from home. If I did it I would get ticketed or arrested.my neighborhood it getting lite up. Scared my house is going to get caught on fire and no one does anything about it.

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