AUDIO & PHOTOS: Lakewood ShopRite Says its Goodbyes as it Closes for the Last Time

shoprite closingAUDIO: Lakewood ShopRite moments ago closed its doors for the last time after approximately 50 years in Lakewood.


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  1. What a shame……… My biggest disappointment is that Saker is putting in a very small and limited kosher area in Howell. We need a kosher experience in Howell. How could you not have this??????? I hope that you will in time add The Kosher Experience to Howell. You would be surprised how many non Jews bought kosher products. So Sakers, think about it…. It is never too late.

  2. ok whose ready to move to howell?

    theres a shul on kent road heading towards Lakewood from howell

    goodbye kosher experience

    goodbye shoprite

  3. As I understand up until 2 months ago they were going to keep both open and expand kosher experience. But… someone came and bought them out!

  4. saker doesn’t own the new one, it’s perlmutter.

    anyway it’s not so far for me near 14th street, but I could understand hespedim in chestnut.

  5. We will really miss U Shoprite Thanx for your great Prices & Service. I hope the new store will have a Flower Section like we had until now. I hope the prices will b as low as Shoprite’s prices were. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHEN GG will finally open?

  6. I agree with #5. This isn’t the end of the world! Howell isn’t so far away so you can still get to Shop RIte easily. There are many other fish in the sea as far as kosher food is concerned. Relax.

  7. In a free market, where there is a need someone will come in to fill it providing they can profit from it. If two or more come in to fill it, competition will insure fair pricing. We should not fear change. A couple of fully dedicated kosher markets may be much better than a kosher section in one supermarket.

  8. The Lakewood location was never very profitable. A&P previously was at that location and they closed. Clientele in Lakewood is a low base business, primarily low profit staples and cherry pick sale items. I can see why stores are moving to Howell. Howell has a better road network and better shopping variety. BJ’s, Walmart, Stop & Shop, Target, Kohl’s, etc have all opened in that area. I rarely shopped at the Lakewood store, shopped at Brick Shop Rite. Now that Perlmart is running this store in Howell, it will be well managed.

  9. i dont know what the big deal is!! in a few months when glat gourmet moves in youll have a much bigger selection of kosher food than kosher experience ever thought of having

  10. we all know that a new kosher supermarket is going to open here so why is everyone upset the Frum community is losing nothing (again) this is an inconvience to non-Frum( non-jewish) community

  11. I called Gourmet Glatt to request that they please remove the pillars in the isles and to have electric disability shopping carts. however the person told me (this was last week that the shoprite location was not confirmed and that it was uncertain if Gourmet Glatt would come to the shoprite location.

  12. The new Howell store is Saker not Perlmutter.

    Any Shoprite that uses the term “world class” in their title is owned by Saker.

    Perlmutter owns the Jackson and Manchester stores.

  13. maybe Pearlmutter would open a Shop Rite in Lakewood like Saker opened in Toms River after he closed the rt 37 location in the same plaza last year.

  14. shoprite lease was bought out for 10 mill. contract prohibits shoprite in Howell from carrying anything other than standard grocery shelf kosher products… that way shoprite is not competing with Gourmet Glatt…

    good deal had by all except the kosher consumer

    these are the facts

  15. To all those that wannna know hy im gonna miss shoprite where am i gonna buy my tissues toilet paper paper towels pasta pasta sauces soy sauce cereal shampoo soda shoprite brand:ketchup bags their salmon which was very common699lb is gourmet Glatt even coming close to these prices what buying power do they have?

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