LETTERS: Rabbonim Come out Strongly Against “Kosher Switch”

letter switch


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  1. This switch even if it was kosher it would take away a huge amount of shabbos. I recently heard a vort that “bekitzor” someone wanted proof that he cannot set a TV with a game for shabbos. The rov answered because it says ושמרו בני ישראל….לדורותם
    שבת is only considered שמור if it’s לדורותם doing things that look אסור you cannot expect future דורות to keep shabbos. End of story

  2. I totally agree that it’s a disgrace to shabbos & very wrong but I can’t believe that the producers invested all this money without knowing from the rabbis that it’s gonna be ok. That tells me there’s more to this story.

  3. this is another avenue to take away kedushas shabbos. the shabbos is becoming like chol. read rabbi belsky letter. we need to realize the simcha we have from shabbos by not being able to do the same stuff we do regularly during the week. that is the 39 milchos are about.

    its as bad as it is with sports, skates, rip stick, bike riding being the norm and accepted on shabbos in many areas here in Lakewood itself.

    our generation is into finding the instant gratifications and lazy about doing things with our own hands – especially if we can find a gadget to do it or purchase it at the store – such as simple foods. We have become automated to the point were any effort on our own to do something is considered shver..

    Our kids are picking up on this and now its going to the next level.. our we going to mater automated cars on shabbos.

    what can we do to tell our children that shabbos is the best gift we kala yisroel were given and no other nation can even taste such joy?

    pirchei? its out dated. our children dont want to go and the potential bochrim to lead them are mainly told not to do be involved with such extra activities..

    i personally wish that all high school or bais medrash bochrim be obligated to learn with a 6-8th grade boy at least once a week at night. it will benifit both the older bochur and the young student. And the older bochrim should be encouraged to lead pirchei and learn with these young students – maybe on shabbos. The young students will have a madrich to be infludenced by and spend time to learn with on shabbos and the older bochur will gain from such experience.

    any ideas?? please share.

    I have tried to tell my children that playing sports on shabbos is not in the “spirit of shabbos” . Their response is they are bored and the neighbors (Lakewood ) who go to yeshivish chadarim are playing. why cant they?

  4. The debate of whether this takes away from kedushas Shabbos or not is not the point. That is a Hashkafa issue. The point is whether it’s muttar kahalacha or not. Now we hear from our poskim that it’s assur kahalacha. That is the main point. Nothing to do with sports on Shabbos.

  5. Sone of the posKim who stated it may not be a probleM of grama clearly stated a disclaimer that regarding kedushas shAbbas “spirit of shabbos” one should ask their rav. Kedushas shabbos is the point. Just like sports or nebach texting (if one can find an app to give heter of halacha) is not in the spirit of shabbos. You need to read rabbi belsky letter. The issue is both halacha and the spirit of shabbos. Shabnos is a unique gift for all yidden. the things we are supposed to not do are things that give us freedom from the things we do in the week which make us subordinate and enslaved to those actions. For example texting, smoking,..which many are addicted to. Shabbos says we are free. Time to focus on our families and our connection to hashem. Not world matters…

  6. Sports is the same issue. Taking away from what shabbos is.
    a) many posKim say sports is assur.
    b) and many say it’s not in the spirit of shabbos. A city was nischarev because of ball playing on shabbos.it somewere in the gemara. Ask your rav.

  7. ball playing is a HUGE problem. On my street (not going to say which neighborhood so as not to embarress anyone) my boys are the only ones who can’t play ball on shabbos. Its mostly basketball, not baseball or soccer, but still, it’s not in the spirit. I wish more rabbanim and/or yeshivas would talk about this. Once we’ve gone down the slippery slope of not being mindful of kedushas shabbos even if it’s not inherently assur, we eventually can’t understand what could be wrong with something like the kosher switch. lets’ not become immune to it.

  8. I know this is not meant to be a discussion about ball playing, but while it’s on the table, I wonder what people would suggest as alternatives for young boys (ages 7-12) to do on a long Shabbos afternoon instead. I would assume those who say basketball isn’t in the spirit of Shabbos would also say that about playing capture the flag or tag or gorilla or any other running games (as I personally see no difference between using the ball and running, and not using the ball and running). I have kids who are overweight who love to play sports and run around. Obviously, I encourage that as it’s best for their health. So in my house the alternative to running around outside is to sit inside, read a book (sometimes- if I have new, kosher books for them, a story in it of itself) or play a board game, and eat Shabbos party. Not a good thing. Any other suggestions?

  9. If someone can explain the Halacha point, I’d appreciate it. The assumption of the creators was that the action of removing the sensor barrier, has no connection at all to the light going on – which is happening at a later time by an independant system.

  10. my kids in the 8-12 age bracket complain about being bored as weel. They are not always motivated to play with friends. It would be great if something exciting could be organized for them. bnos and pirchei don’t cut it

  11. very different than kosher lamp.

    If you use this switch dont expect your kids to differentiate between this and standard switches.

    your kids will not be shomer shabbos.

  12. to #9
    the kosher lamp actually help us more with kovod Shabbos. it gives us the relaxation & worry free of someone hurting oneself in the dark C”V. when you open up the cover & add light to the room you don’t feel like you just turned on the light switch. its just a small light to see around.

    Versus all these other Shabbos technologies that take away the kedushas Shabbos & make Shabbos like a joke C”V. these other programs are made to try to allow a person to do something that is normally not allowed.

    have a wonderful Shabbos everyone

  13. Many years ago , in Forest Park, we had a situation with ball playing on Shabbos.
    We began a highly successful program called” Lmaan Kedushas Shabbos”
    We gathered all the kids in the neighborhood.
    The Rov gently explained the importance of Kedushas Shabbos.
    We had Junior and senior programming on shabbos
    Stories, Tehillim etc .
    Anyone who came got free ice cream
    Anyone who signed up received a membership card
    and we had a FREE massive Lag Bomer street fest
    rides ,hot dogs ,hot pretzels ,kids band ,soda all free.
    It was a lot of work and dedication on the fathers’ part.
    Everything sponsored, volunteered and donated.
    We even had monthly raffles and sick prizes.
    Needless to say , the problem does’tnt exis anymore
    and goes to show you with a little motivation and a lot of work , many problems can be solved.
    I believe Westgate now has Lmaan Kedushas Shabbos.
    If you would like to start your own program HMU and I’ll b glad to guide you

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