Nearly 200 Tickets Issued in Lakewood During “U Drive. U Text. U Pay” Campaign

lpd pulled over lkwdApproximately 200 summonses were issue by Lakewood Police during the “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” campaign which came to an end Tuesday, Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS.

The Division of Highway Traffic Safety has awarded $5,000 to 38 police departments – including Lakewood – for the initiative, which puts additional officers on the road per shift dedicated to this campaign.

During the campaign, the Lakewood Police issued 129 cell phone/texting summonses, and 67 summonses for other violations, the Chief told TLS.

The initiative ran from April 1 through April 21.



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  1. So for a $5000 “investment” which was basically a free grant, on 129 cell phone tickets the fines netted $25,800.00 dollars. Great proof of concept, where do I invest? This is a obviously a sure thing. Can I get options on the summonses for other violations? Shark Tank anybody?

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