TRAGEDY: Sudden Petirah of Lakewood Infant Don Gestetner A”H [UPDATED 6:30 PM]

hatz ambulance tlsA 3-month old baby was suddenly Niftar today after being found unresponsive, R”L.

The infant boy, Don Gestetner A”H (son of R’ Chaim), was sleeping at a babysitter, who immediately called Hatzolah when she noticed the child was not breathing.

Upon arrival, Hatzolah members found the child in Cardiac Arrest. The child was transported to MMCSC where he was pronounced.

Lakewood’s Detective Bureau and CSI are investigating the incident.

Askonim are working to ensure proper Kavod Ha’meis.

The Levaya will be tentatively be held at 10:30 PM this evening (Wednesday) at the 7th Street Bais Olam.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.


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  1. BD”HE There are no words. I feel so bad for the parents…the sibblings..the grandparents….the family….the babysitter and her family…the Harzaloh..and their families….and the medical personal that had to pronounce her. Furthermore the askonim who now have to ensure kavod Hames…..all the neighbors and the rest of us…..who will all have a different day today. No words

  2. BdH. Such sad and heartrending news. This is a young couple who just celebrated their first anniversary.Gestetner from Toronto and wife is Goldberger from Monsey. Hashem should give them koach.

  3. BDE!! The Gestetners are such nice sweet people. I feel so bad for them. It’s there first child. May Hashem give them the strength to get through this.

  4. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
    Am Yisroel is in Eis Tzarah all over the world.
    May Hashem give Koach to the parents, the grandparents, all the relatives and all of Am Yisroel.
    The personal & insignificant details of the story are not important and just draws attention away from the proper response. Please allow the rightfully have their privacy and may we share better times.
    Umacha Hashem Dima Me’al Kol Panim

  5. Bde stands for “baruch dayan emes” – blessed is the true judge”… Meaning if G-D does somethings is part of a master plan that we dont necessarily understand.

  6. T.L. I commend you on that brilliant question. It’s amazing that you actually took the time out of your busy schedule to ask such an important question. As a parent who went through a similar experience, it is these questions that give us the biggest nechama of all

  7. @Joan. Its an acronym for Baruch Dayan ha’Emes. Literally translated as “blessed is the true judge” it’s a custom among us to say that apon the death of a person.

  8. Joan,

    BDE stands for ‘Baruch Dayan Emes’ which means, blessed be the true judge. It’s a blessing that Jewish people say upon hearing the news of a death. It’s meant to show that despite us not necessarily understanding G-d’s decision, we accept it acknowledge that it’s meant for the best.

  9. jewish code
    BDE – baruch dayan emes– blessed is the true judge.
    is what we say for bad news. God knows what he is doing…
    although we do not understand

  10. @joan: BDE is an acronym for Hebrew words Baruch Dayan Emes- loosely translated that means that we accept G-d’s decree as being just and as being ultimately the best thing although we may not be able to understand that now with our limited vision and understanding.

  11. #24 Eli, careful what you advice you give T.L.. It seems from his question that he will think you are serious and be “nice enough” to go over and be menachem these parents by asking this question in person!
    May H’ be menachem all that have suffered a loss together with the mourners of Tzion.

  12. TL: That is a terribly insensitive question to ask at a time like this. To spell it out in case you don’t understand (and for others who may make painful comments or ask hurtful questions at times of loss): Your question implies blame. Perhaps you are curious, or maybe you are anxious about your own vulnerability to tragedy, but DON’T BE SELFISH – stop and THINK about how the other person may feel at a time like this. If in doubt, say NOTHING.

    Perhaps the question can be removed from the forum so as not to cause pain to the family.

  13. Wow wow wow!!! I didn’t realize this question would get such a response! I’m sorry and I apologize if it hurt any one in any way! I am the last person not to feel klal yisroels pain!
    I was shaken when I heard what happened yesterday. And #24 eli how dare you talk like that?! And so the otherone!!! If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say it!!! And what you were doing was tearing apart a curious question Wich had no strings attached but one. What can we learn from the gashmius point of this. Is theye any preventative measures that we should take for the future?! Or not. And OF COURSE OF COURSE THE FIRST THING THAT COMEs TO MIND IS to DOO TESHUVA!I AM TO BETTER MYSELF…AND IT’S NO ONES FAULT(literally). But it’s a reflection on our behavior!

    N I’m kindly asking you n everyone else who looks at that question w they’re negative eye! Just please stop ! Don’t even answer it even if you know the right answer!”the world is not looking to hear how it could turn into bad!! All we want to know is . Hshm be us moichal! And bring mashiach now!!

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