Communicated: 70 Years Later, The Israeli-Yemenite Tragedy Is Happening Again (Video)

[COMMUNICATED] Last year, the Israeli government helped 27 families escape from Rada’a, Yemen. These families, including 107 children, had dedicated their lives fully to mitzvos. Despite being surrounded by violence and hatred of Jews, the boys proudly wore long peyos and women adhered to the strictest laws of tznius.

This all changed when the families were placed by the Israeli government in an absorption center in the southern city of Be’er Sheva. The absorption centers are extremely modest living conditions, with families confined to a single room, and a great deal of rebellious & wayward youth.

Hundreds of Charedi Yemenite immigrants, putting their trust completely in their rescuers, were placed among vastly secular & Christian families. With no access to Torah education and surrounded by chillul Shabbos, the ruchnius of the families has rapidly disintegrated. Those children who have had the rare opportunity to attend frum schools in Bnei Brak have reportedly refused to return home, in tears at the thought of re-entering a fully secular environment. Parents who risked their lives to raise their children with Torah & mitzvos are helplessly watching the future of their children be destroyed.

An emergency meeting was called in the home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, together with Rav Dov Landau shlit”a, Rav Shimon Baadani shlit”a, and HaRav Plitz. Their mission was clear & urgent: Issue a fundraising appeal to save 107 children from spiritual destruction.

In order for these 27 families to purchase home in charedi neighborhoods, they would each require 100,000-200,000 NIS. Purchasing a home would mean not only a physical resting place, but a future for generations to come. As for the merit of taking part in such an essential rescue mission, Rav Chaim spoke with distinction in the video below: “Yeledim tzaddikim.”

The situation inevitably brings to mind the tragedy which took place 70 years ago, when Yemenite immigrants were purposely housed in environments which would rob them of their connection to mitzvos.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky and the staff of Lev L’Achim are determined not to allow it to happen again.


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