BREAKING – SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT: Loaded gun was brought to Lakewood school “every day” for protection, school official says

In a shocking new development, school officials have revealed that a loaded gun has been brought to school “every day” for protection.

In a letter to the Lakewood Board of Education this evening, School District Superintendent Ms. Laura Winters told the Board,”Unfortunately, I have been told by the Police that the students stated that they have been bringing the “loaded” gun to school every day to “protect” themselves.”

The students involved in the incident were taken into custody.

In response, the Superintendent is recommending big changes.

“Due to the changing times, my recommendation is to purchase “Metal Detectors” for all Elementary Schools, as the district has them in the MS and HS. It is sad; however, safety must be first and foremost!” Winters said.

A disciplinary hearing will be scheduled with the Superintendent, and possibly Board pending charges, as per the Board of Education Policy.

Guidance Counselors will be on staff tomorrow to talk to students and staff who are feeling anxious about today’s incident, the Superintendent said.


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  1. What are the guidance couselors going to say? Sorry we failed to protect and we cant say were protecting you now? We need to do something to fix this very major problem.

  2. Unfortunately I don’t blame these students the metal detector is a good idea for the student that brings it for murder. A security guard is also a good idea.

  3. He brought a loaded to protect himself. From who ? Does someone else bring a loaded gun to school ? Or is he protecting himself from bullies who steal his lunch. So for that he needs a gun ?? What, this is normal ?? Unbelievable.

  4. In an earlier story about this child and the gun, scoop posted that the child waved it and threatened to shoot another child. Are you know retracting that? What bus company was the child riding on.?

  5. Shouldn’t there be laws against 9 year olds bringing loaded guns to school. I’m sure if there was such a law on the books, this wouldn’t happen. We need more gun control laws.

  6. That was not a public school bus or driver, It was a private school s bus. The answer to that question. where would a 9 year old get a gun. Where do you think. ? This is happening all over the US. Tougher laws need to be in place. Everyone in every school needs to keep their eyes open. The guns don t care if its public or private.

    • what is a private school bus driver? and what relevance does it have to the issue of a 9 year old bringing gun to school?
      and i totally agree that we need strong laws that prohibit 9 year olds from carrying guns!! i am sure if our county had strong gun control about little kids with guns, such a thing would never happen…!!!

  7. There are hundreds of laws that are broken every day and some on a regular basis. You are hilarious if you think a law is needed specifically for 9 year olds to not posess and carry a gun in any fashion. Laws already in place do not get enforced.

  8. Protecting himself from who is the question. …. another school shooter…this is all these kids are hearing these days … should there be armed guards…should there be armed teachers ….perhaps they were arming them self for safety … still doesn’t make it right I know and seriously just be cause you make a law does not mean people will adhere to it incase you didn’t know there ALREADY ARE LAWS

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