Tragic Petirah of Mindel Rivka Gross A”H, Jackson drowning victim [UPDATED]

It is with great sadness we report the tragic petirah of Mindel Rivka Gross A”H, the young girl who drowned last month in Jackson.

The three-year-old (daughter of R’ Naftuli) was pulled unconscious from the family pool, and was hospitalized since.

She was Niftar approximately 1:30AM on Shabbos.

The Levaya will be taking place tomorrow, Tisha B’av, at 2:30 pm at 17 Phyllis Terrace, Monsey, and Kevurah at the Viznitz Bais Olam in Monsey.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

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  1. I’m saddened to hear the terrible news. I have been Davening for her, ever since I hear the story. Countless people have been moved by this story of this little beautiful and innocent girl’s drowning. Her tragic passing is a communal loss. That happened on the most appropriate day, שבת ט׳באב. May this young family somehow find the strength to move on.
    המקום ינחם וכו׳

  2. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

    I am now distributing the two laminated tefillah cards l’ilui nishmas Mindel Rivka bas Naftali, a”h.

    “Chofetz Chaim al Hadibbur” (asking Hashem to help us use proper speech throughout the day) and a tefillah on “Judging Others Favorably” (asking Hashem to help us find the good in others and not judge others, etc. – composed by R’ Nosson, student of R’ Nachman of Breslov, and found on the wall by Kever Rachel).

    Our efforts in these areas will surely help bring the geulah that much sooner – it’s the least we can do to bring nechama to this family and all others in need of nechama.

    If you would like free copies of these laminated tefillah cards, please email your full name and address to [email protected]

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