Letter: The jury box is now empty (PHOTO)

Over the last three weeks, it held 14 jurors. 9 women, 5 men. 12 would ultimately end up as case-deciders, and two alternates would be released before the deliberations. For three weeks they sat, looking out over the courtroom. They heard statements from two teams of lawyers, each trying to annex them into their field of view. They watched a man sit, surrounded by his family and supporters, silently whispering tehillim as his attorneys worked to exonerate him of crimes that don’t exist. They listened to instructions from the judge, and went home each night with the promise to not discuss the case with anyone. They formed views and opinions, some of which may have supported their initial assessments, and some that may have challenged them. They sat each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for three weeks, as the trial played out.

But now, that jury box is empty.

The 12 jurors chosen for the calling sit now in a sealed jury room. They finally get to voice the opinions they formed over the last three weeks. They talk and suggest, prove and question, assert and ascertain, as they perform the duty they have been working towards for the greater part of a month.

As they deliberate, every notion is vital, every comment pivotal, every assumption crucial. Now is the time that they determine the trajectory of a man’s life. Today the years-long saga can end.

But as the “ne’ilah” of the case transpires, we cannot sit still. We can make a real difference; we can intercede in the Higher Court.

Each kappital of tehillim we say can sway the verdict. Every dollar to tzedakah we give can secure an acquittal. A small kabbalah can lead to victory.

What greater zechus can we accomplish than by donating to the pidyon shevuyim fund set up for this case? (This fund is at pidyonshvuyim.com, or by phone, at 732.813.1212).

Over the course of this terrible ordeal, klal yisroel united behind this man. We showed our support, lent our prayers, and donated to his legal fees. Let’s not give up now.

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