Petirah of Harav Menachem Adler Z”L, Rav in Toronto for over 50 years

It is with much regret we inform you of the Petirah of Harav Menachem Adler Z”L, longtime Rav and Askan in Toronto.

Harav Adler Z”L was one of the Frum community’s founding members, serving as the Rav in Bais Medrash Imrei Noam for over 50 years, and founding the Bikur Cholim and Tomchei Shabbos and more.

Rabbi Adler Z”L, father-in-law of Toms River’s Rabbi Mordechai Sekula, was a well-known Mashpia, and touched the lives of thousands of people of all walks of life. His home was open to all, and was a known address for the poor, the broken-hearted, and for Tzedakah.

Approximately a year and a half ago, the Rav moved to Monsey to be with his children. He was Niftar last night at his home. He was approximately 92.

The Levaya will be taking place at 11:15 PM tonight at Bais Medrash Seredna, 7 North Riguad Road, Monsey, NY. The Niftar will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for Kevurah on Har Hamenuchos.

Shiva will take place at 1 Blueberry Hill, Monsey.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.


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  1. Rabbi Adler learned by Reb Velvel זצ״ל (also known as “The Rov” by American B’nei Torah). He was a big Tzadik that carried broken hearted people.

  2. Hagaon Hatzadik Reb Menachem, as a former Trontonian I haven’t stopped crying let me tell you for a moment what crown was lost today, Reb Menachem survived the war and was barely 15 years old st the time of the liberation he was literally the only one in his family to have survived he was a child and grandchild on both sides of great rabonnim but was a just bar mitzva boy when the nazis ymsh came for him. Instead of giving up he became “shakua” in learning Torah. As chasiddishe it was almost unheard of all he wanted was more learning he daughter-in-law out the best Yeshiva in the DP Camps of Landsburg and eventually made his way to Eretz Yisroel and became a staunch young Talmid of the Brisker Rov ztl he never ceased to learn but was also a nefesh noki vtzadik he spent 50 years as a rov in Toronto and raised a absolutely magnificent dor of talmidim, was loved by all and leaves behind tens of thousands of pages of chidushim and numerous children who are rabonnim and magidei shiurim chaval al deavdin Zechar Tzadik Livrochah

  3. BDH

    A very special person He was a Gaon in Torah & a Gaon in Chesed’
    .I still remember the early days in Toronto when
    he learned Bechavrusa with Lehavdil bein Chaim L’Chaim R Shlomo Miller Shlita.
    יהא זכרו ברוך

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