WATCH: SPECIAL EDITION OF INSIDE ARTSCROLL – Episode 9 – Interview with Rabbi Yaakov Bijou…and Mickey, Judah and Morris

The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features a special sit-down with Rabbi Yaakov Bijou, along with Mickey, Judah and Morris, three wonderful students from Yeshivat Shaarei Torah of Flatbush.

Rabbi Bijou is the author of Let’s Talk Living Emunah, a book designed to get children, parents, and teachers speaking to each other about emunah!

Let’s Talk Living Emunah contains short and engaging stories, adapted from the bestselling Living Emunah series by Rabbi David Ashear, allowing children and adults to explore the wonders of Hashem’s world and His Hashgachah Pratis.

In this episode, host Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Rabbi Bijou and the three boys conduct a “Let’s Talk Living Emunah” conversation from the pages of this unique book – talking, and living, emunah. Watch – and be engaged.

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  1. Baruch Hashem! I have been zoche to know the extended illustrious Bijou family for many decades as our illustrious community made it’s way from Bensonhurst to Ocean Parkway to Madison to Lakewood, Ken Yirbu Ben Porat Yosef!

    Do you know that the word Bijou means gem in French? How fitting is it to have so many exquisite gems from Rebbe Yaakov himself to the book, to the stories, to the beautiful children?

    Thank you, Rebbe Yaakov and, Art Scroll for sharing them.

    Chag Sameach! Tizku L’Shanim Rabbot!

  2. Ron, Chabibi, let’s give some credit to “Murray” Maslaton, “Charlie” Semach, Chacham Baruch, Rabbi Kassin, Rabbi Hecht, Rabbi Benoliel, “Whitey” Sitt, “Michel” Abehsera and I can go on and on. They, and so many, many more who would teach us and reveal our incredible heritage to MeChazek us to rise from Madrega to Madrega in Torah and Mitzvot to the amazing level we are on today. Tizku L’Mitzvot!!!!

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