Petirah of R’ Shimon Brecher Z”L [UPDATED]

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Shimon Brecher Z”L (pictured left) who was Niftar today. He was 58.

R’ Shimon Z”L, a resident of the 14th Street area, leaves behind his wife Feige and children.

The Levaya is scheuled to take place at 11:00 a.m. at the 7th Street Chapel, with Kevura in Bnei Brak.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

R’ Shimon Brecher Z”L, center, pictured here with Minyan Shelanu in Eretz Yisroel. R’ Shimon was very close with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and arranged a visit for the Minyan members.

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  1. What a TRAGEDY! Such a wonderful person and a tremendous baal chessed and tzedakah! He should be a melitz yoisher for the whole klal yisroel.

  2. Oey Veih! He used to come to Shul with his little boy whom is not even Bar Mitzvah yet! He was a tremendous Talmud Chacham a genius, Motzoi shabbos and during the week he was always in Shul Learning . He was an excellent Baal Koreh, R’ Shimon was the substitute Baal Koreh at Zichron Schneur. This Rosh Hashana the Shul’s Baal Koreh was quarantined with a minor case of Covid so R’ Shimon took over, he also lained the large haftorah’s from klaf- everything excellent, he used to lain the largest parsha’s or 2 sedra’s plus haftorahs fluently without a single mistake , Yom Kipper he wasn’t in Shul already. Also he had a heart of gold , he was a tremendous Baal chested and Baal tzedaka , I’m still in shock , oey am I going to miss him.

  3. If by “take this seriously” you mean that we get Hashem’s message and do real Teshuva, you are 100% correct. If by “take this seriously” you mean we can prevent deaths by wearing masks or otherwise relying on means other than Hashem to prevent deaths, and “get back to normal” then you have missed the entitr point of why Hashem is prolonging this mageifah. Ain Od Milvado, there is NOTHING except Him. NOTHING. Je is EVERYTHING. He controls EVERYTHING. Take THAT seriously!

    • do you take antibiotics when you have an infection? Do you wear a seat belt in the car?
      if someone has a clogged artery and doctors say he could drop dead of a heart attack any moment should he have a bi-pass surgery? if someone is diagnosed with the machlah would you recommend chemo?
      or do we rely on NO MEANS OTHER THAN HASHEM?
      no masks, no seat belts, no surgery… only Hashem.

      are you for real?!

    • The two are not mutually exclusive. Please don’t fall into that trap. You can do teshuvah and still take logical steps to protect health. It is not necessary to risk your health to prove to hashem that you are doing teshuvah. Please think through this logically. Very sorry to hear this news. May the family have a nechamah. So sad.

  4. To Wondering:
    Stop being so FRUM on the lives of others. Of course Hashem is sending us a message. HOWEVER there is hishtadlus to vnishmartem es nafshseichem. Maybe you rely on shomer pesayim H

  5. This is the 2nd Zichron Shneuer death this week. Shimi was so talented, friendly, and plain you would never know that he was an absolute business genius who gave advice to so many.

  6. “WONDERING”. Yes, we have to do Teshuvah. Do you have practical, applicable steps to recommend? Teshuvah requires both cognitive and emotional regret with a commitment to be better. But the teshuvah has to be accompanied by real actions and undertakings. It can mean giving more Tzedakah, giving more of our time and attention, correcting social injustices and perhaps each community within itself seeking to do local tikkunim. Its so tragic that the community is suffering these wake up calls.

  7. bd”h
    so sad
    what a korbon
    what a ball chesed, 1.5 years ago he gave me a full envelope with $100, I counted 1200.
    what a tzadik
    what a goen. in koilel he was the chavruse of the roish hakolel, lehavdil bain chayim lechayim.
    what a smart man, I many times obsoleted with his advice.
    what a caring man, he always davened for my son and always asked how he was doing, always told he sas davening for my son.his broches with his birchas cohanim.
    what a davening every shachris was like erev yom kipur.
    he was sure a kaporeh for all of klal yisroel.
    yehi zichroy boruch,he should be a mailitz yoisher for his mishpoche,especially for his chosuveh aishes chayil.and for all of klal yisroel.
    he will be missed.

  8. Raboisay. How about we start the teshuva process by speaking respectfully to each other… even on social media.
    In my humble opinion bain odom lachavairo would be a good place to start.
    Don’t let these deaths be in vain.

    • Yes. I used to see him in Alumni part of first seder. Very special person. Everyone in Alumni knew who he was. His chesed was unbelievable. Big shoes to fill.

  9. @wondering, I’m afraid you have no idea what אין עוד מלבדו means. I suggest you look in רמבם הלכות יסודי התורה it’s one of the first 5 הלכות not sure which one off the top of my head. Perhaps you will have a better understanding of what it means. Certainly not what you think.

  10. Big loss is an understatement.
    Tragedy, shock,a great man. The nifter was a real kiddush hashem. Everyone loved him.I personally did not know him. But I had heard his name many times. Regarding chesed matters. He knew how to do a chesed. The real deal.

  11. I (unwisely) asked someone by the levaya, what his connection is, he told me when he was a chassan he had no money, he knocked on Shimmy’s door, he gave him $5000.

    Yehi Zichro Baruch!

  12. BDE

    What a loss to the Lakewood community and all of klal yisroel. Such a special and caring person that will surely be missed by everyone.

    Yes this is definitely a time for serious teshuva and achdus ASAP that Hashem is waiting for from all of us as a loving nation together. We all have to do our part and make a time for serious teshuva, kinnus and taanis for such a serious wake up call situation like this with millions of lives lost already. Like they did in the story of Purim and in Nineveh and their lives were saved because they all jumped up immediately to serious teshuva and achdus ASAP together

    May his neshama have an Aliya

  13. BD”E
    He was truly one of a kind. I knew him from collecting Leil Purim, and seeing him at the Vasikin Minyan. A man whose transcendent intelligence was implemented into, and reflected by, the transcendent way he lived. Mi Yitain Lanu Tmuroso….

  14. bde. wow! what a tragedy. what a loss. an amud hatzdakah. a real model of a true ben torah.
    r’ chaim kanievsky shlita would kiss him. he was a ben bayis there.

  15. I had the zechus to sit next to him for years in the Lederman shul- Bene Berak, on Yomim Noraim, together with his young son. Besides all the above compliments, BAAL TSEDOKOH ETC. I CAN TESTIFY R SHIMON WAS A MOST DEVOTED AND WISE MECHANECH.WATCHING HIM SPEAK AND GUIDE HIS SON WAS A CHINUCH LESSON.Tremendous loss.

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