Lakewood Township Going ‘All Out’ As Snowstorm Approaches

With a potentially serious storm bearing quickly down on Lakewood, Township Manager Pat Donnelly tells TLS that they are going “all out” on the storm, and not leaving anything up to chance. 

“We are going all out on this storm; we won’t take a chance,” Donnelly said. “We are preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.”

Forecasts have Lakewood receiving anywhere between 4 and 20 inches of snow, an obviously wide range of forecasts whose outcomes are highly dependent on minute changes in weather patterns. Anywhere between 1 and 4 inches are expected on Sunday, with the rest coming in the overnight hours and into Monday.

Mr. Donnelly said that the Township has 135 pieces of equipment that have been put into operation, and will remain in use until at least Tuesday.

A storm center from which the storm will be monitored has been set up and officials are prepping for a long night as the storm advances.

The Township’s snow removal crews will become operational at 4 PM, with many more private contractors coming into Lakewood at 6 PM to join in the collaborative effort to keep the town functional throughout the storm.

Residents of Lakewood are advised to have a small stock of food and water, as well as salt to melt snow and ice. Additionally, residents are advised to keep vehicles, basketball hoops, and other items away from street curbs so as not to interfere with snow plowing operations.

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  1. the covid vaccine tent in the CHEMED parking lot may be vulnerable to heavy snow and the first thing on the list should be to secure this vital asset so that it may continue to function

  2. So, to clarify, Lakewood Township is preparing for a forecasted storm. In other words, Lakewood Township is doing precisely what the taxpayers expect of them; their job. Whether any of it will be actualized or only special streets will be cleared remains to be seen, but nonetheless, a great day for Lakewood Township. Congratulations!

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