RARE OPPORTUNITY! Special Tefillah in Amuka by Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav and Rebbitzen Yitzckak Kolodetsky



This coming Monday, June 7, is the yahrtzeit of R’ Yonasan ben Uziel, who is buried in Amuka, a day which is very mesugal for shidduchimOhel Sarala will be hosting a special Yom Tefillah at the home of Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a for all Ohel Sarala members. ​CLICK HERE now to sign up and be part of this tefillah!

At the same time, a minyan of 10 Ohel Sarala couples together with Harav and Rebbitzen Yitzchak Kolodetsky Shlit”a will be going down t o Amuka and say a special tefillah for every Ohel Sarala member that they should find their bashert very soon.

Don’t miss this opportunity! Join Ohel Sarala and be part of this rare tefillah opportunity!

CLICK HERE now to sign up and be part of this tefillah!

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