Your Neighborhood: Prospect Street area launches petition over crippling traffic problems

The Prospect and Williams Street area has launched a petition in an effort to ease the mounting traffic problems in the area.

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  1. The only thing the politicians care about is getting reelected. So unless they are scared of losing (which they are not), this won’t change anything. They know they can double your taxes and the Vaad will still endorse them and they will get reelected.

  2. Crippling is an unfortunate UNDERSTATEMENT. It can literally take 15 minutes to go 3/10ths of a mile.

    AND we’re no where near done yet. There are another 100 houses in middle of being built with NO EXIT to cross. That equals another 400 cars on Prospect Street between 8:30 and 9:30 every morning.

    Oh, did I mention that yet another school was approved… on Prospect Street…

    Of course they did “traffic Studies” which showed there was minimal impact for adding another school.

  3. It’s about time! We need to hold our politicians accountable to fix our traffic issues. I can sit in traffic for a half an hour every day (depending on what time I leave). Why do I have to come to seder late every day?

    As the petition correctly states, the time for finger pointing is over. It is time for action. And if our politicians are not willing to fix our traffic, we should vote in a new slate of politicians who will.

  4. Maybe adding 300+ families in an area that cant handle it wasnt such a good idea. Stop building and u wont have as many traffic problems

  5. How about finchley and route 9? Its the only outlet in that nieghboorhood? Can someone please explain why the developers at that corner couldn’t contribute a few feet of land for a right turning lane? I don’t believe it would need that much approval. Just move the side walk a few feet. Why is that so hard? What does it cost?

  6. The Traffic on Prospect Street and Cross Street is by far the worst in town. You can literally sit 25 minutes to get down Prospect in the Morning. IT MUST BE FIXED NOW!!! STOP APPROVING MORE AND MORE HOUSES!!!!

  7. Dear Township and County Officials, This traffic disaster in our area must be resolved NOW. Our children are coming late to school every day as well as many of us to work as well. This has become unbearable, and we see no progress being made by the Township and the County to address this issue. We beg of you please work on improvements now, don’t delay this any longer. This is coming at the expense of our children’s education, and many wasted hours weekly sitting on Prospect and Cross Street.

    Thank you.

    Prospect Vines HOA

  8. It’s the people who are signing the petition that caused the problem by buying homes in a place where there aren’t roads that can service those homes.

  9. Traffic is complete nightmare

    I don’t have all the answers but one easy thing that will help a little is to pave all the paper streets in between Prospect and Cross

  10. Although I moved away from Lakewood quite a few years ago, every once in a while I still find myself missing the hustle and bustle of the “great Metropolis” of Lakewood. That is until I see articles such as this, which then really makes me appreciate the quality of life that I’ve come to take for granted ,but that people living in Lakewood can only wish for.

  11. Hopefully the county will keep their promise rather sooner than later. However it is the township and their planning board who you should be petitioning. They’re the ones who approved additional development based on the “promises” from the County. They should be held accountable for this, and it’s their responsibility to work things out with the county. The county represents many towns, while our Township is responsible in taking care of solely us.

  12. Stop building is the answer. To #3 why is it the county’s problem to fix your roads. ???Tell your township to stop approving all the building…you become angry at the other towns for not wanting this kind of traffic. Look at Cross Street,all the building, one lane…Its a horrible road to travel….
    A 10 minute drive takes 40…….

  13. I dont live in that area but I take my daughter to Center once in a while and the traffic situation there is complete Nutso. And that’s putting it mildly.
    It’s funny. People were complaining the traffic in Orlando over Pesach was crushing.
    We have that in Lakewood every day of the year.
    Except Sunday after Shabbos Nachamu. And last March, during Covid.
    Otherwise it’s terrible.

  14. Everyone please post ideas instead of just venting

    The smartest idea I have heard is based upon the concept that traffic is caused by having to stop and start again and again.

    So have an officer by the lights on the 9 or have it stay green to allow the nine to clear all the way into town, don’t stop the main artery into town!!

    then allow all side streets to fill the 9 like prospect and James/Pine and then empty the 9 again, wait 5 min and empty again

    also it is free, lets try it!something has to be done

  15. Unless all those who signed this petition will also vote the people who caused this issue out of office you can forget about it.

  16. It is definitely true that Prospect Vines and the new duplexes have added more traffic. However, as I have been let to believe, Prospect Vines was not allowed to open an exit to Cross Street. Such an exit would go a long way to help alleviate the congestion on Prospect.
    Irving r

  17. Only when we discuss the shiduch crisis does everyone shut their ears and say it is up to Hashem.
    I’ll say the same here don’t do anything it is up to Hashem.

  18. Stop building houses My goodness this isn’t Rocket Science. This is why I left Toms River because it’ll be just like Lakewood in a couple years .

    • Mr Bob – This is one of the main reasons why many of the non-Orthodox and Orthodox living all over Ocean and Monmouth County are deeply concerned about. No one wants future Lakewood style development in Howell, Brick, Toms River, Jackson and the entire region – out of control and irresponsible without upgrading the infrastructure to account for such a population explosion. Most of us respect your religious needs and the infrastructure it requires, but why such irresponsible overdevelopment? The VAAD and Orthodox leaders do not seem concerned about this and just keep building and building as if resources and space is unlimited.

  19. Here is an easy solution to the rush hour traffic when you have thousands of cars going and coming to the BMG area at the same times.

    A few years ago, when we had bussing shortage issue, we staggered the large boys and girls school times, and it worked wonders.

    Why can’t we do the same with BMG where some Batei Medrash would start and end 15-20 minutes earlier than the others, and the same with some of the babysitters in the area. That would alleviate a good portion of the rush hour traffic on Rt 9 and Prospect.

  20. The fact that all those many developments on Prospect — one after another, literally! — were allowed by the township to go up one after the other is a terrible travesty, an outcry, and a terrible disservice to all tax paying residents. It used to take me ten minutes to get my son to his Yeshivah. It now takes a half hour! But help is on the way!! The township has given the ok for more developments on Prospect all the way down to Cross st. There are no words. I’m strongly considering moving out of a town I called home for more than 20 years.

  21. Dear Friends:
    They will never do anything about it and for sure never stop building on Prospect, so just give up.
    Your only solutions I’ve found is either A go Super early
    Or B find a different off beat route
    I’ve found a different off beat route which I ain’t telling you about cause I don’t want it to turn into Prospect
    But use google maps and maybe u can figure it out

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