Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Arlington

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear Mayor,

Thank you for all your help work for the Lakewood community. I live in Arlington and Arlington avenue is due for a repaving; just driving on it makes your stomach sick from all of the bumps in the road besides for all of the damage it can do to the car. In addition, if there is anyway to widen it that would be amazing; it gets very annoying especially when there are school buses trying to get by. And once we’re at it, can there be a law saying all new streets in Lakewood must be wide enough to allow cars to easily pass by even when there are cars parked on both sides. Bedsides for being convenient for everyone, it would be much safer for drivers and ease up the congestion problem that we have here. Thanks again for everything.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning,

Arlington is scheduled to be fully paved, as soon as NJ American Water finishes some work they are doing in the area.

Thanks for reaching out.


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  1. I agree 100% – Lets open up Arlington and widen it and repave it.
    As long as they selfishly want it to remain closed, then they have no right to ask the taxpayers to fix it.

    I have the same issue with PRV closing off from entering on Washington but then want the taxpayers to fund their repairs and snow plowing.

  2. Don’t pave Arlington Ave. The uneven road is a built in speed bumps. It can CSVSH be very dangerous if drivers are allowed to drive down very fast with out bumps.

  3. Shloime its called MULA 🙂 be happy they didnt put up another house there
    & they left it to be used as aunofficial parking lot.

    Just saying:do all questions for the mayer get published right b4 they FINALLY plan on fixing the issue 🙂

  4. Arlington is not paved or opened up because the residents there have some friends on the township council and dont want people driving on their street.

  5. DO not pave arlington until they agree to open up onto Pine . There is no reason why we can’t have another artery to get off of Pine and get to cedar bridge! its chutzpah by couple of selfish homeowners and one or two township officials that they haven’t opened it years ago.

    DO not use my tax dollars to pave what is now basically a private road

  6. Please do not repave Arlington. People drive like it’s a freeway and endanger young lives. Let them slow down or risk ruining their cars.

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