NISSIM: Boy Strangled by Park Equipment in Lakewood went Several Minutes Without Oxygen, Family says

The family of the six-year-old boy who was strangled by park equipment in Lakewood tells TLS they are seeing major Nissim.

“We greatly appreciate all the care and dedication,” the father of the boy said. “We are B”H seeing tremendous nissim, as one test after the other are coming back with positive results.”

The family says the open Nissim are huge, because the boy went several minutes without oxygen.

“This is major! 5-6 minutes without oxygen, and no brain damage!” the family said.

As first reported by TLS, the boy’s helmet strap got caught in the playground equipment, strangling him for several minutes until he was spotted and freed. He was transported in critical condition to JSUMC.

But the family asks for continued Tefillos so they can bring their young boy home.

“Now we have to deal with pneumonia,” the family said. “Keep the zechusim coming until with Hashem’s help we will bring him back home soon healthy and well.”

All are asked to continue to be Mispallel for Refoel Moshe Michoel ben Shoshana Roiza.

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  1. TLS , It might be worth putting in the headline that he is stable because it reads very funny to say, “Nissim: boy was without oxygen” when people don’t know how he is doing

  2. gave away many zechusim for this boys recovery. was wondering if that works? can one say ill give all my zechusim for a certain mitzvah for a refuah shilayma for so and so??
    just wondering

    • I thought that some of the Zechusim go to the parents or maybe a percentage of each Zechus because they took care of you for many years or at least they tried to take care of you. I agree that there might be once in a while a family that may be excluded from this automatic Zechusim. I am talking in general.

  3. I know there are a few websites that post a perek of tehillim when the is someone in need by a posted incident. It’s so helpful, because then readers can say a perek right there and then! Not have to say it by heart or find a tehillim. Just wondering if the Lakewood Scoop can do that to. I have been waiting and wondering why TLS doesn’t post a perek so I am finally asking. Thanks in advance!

  4. Same thing happened to my son at the same age when he made a ‘necklace’ from yarn in a daycamp. He was strangled by it when going down a slide. An adult saw and rescued him Thus necklaces on children can be dangerous. I wish the fact can be spread.

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